5 Qualities of Effective Digital Marketing Videos

High-quality videos are one of the best tools in a marketer’s playbook, but there’s more to posting a successful video than making sure it looks clear. To help you boost the success of your video marketing efforts, we’ve gathered together five qualities of effective digital marketing videos.

A Solid Plan

Every successful move in the business world starts with a solid plan, and video creation is no different. You need to know what the overall goal is, who will be involved, how much it will cost, and how long it will take. As well as this, you may want to consider writing out a script, especially if you have a short video to shoot. On the other hand, if your video is significantly long, you should write a script outline and allow for a little improvisation.

Excellent Production Quality

The production quality of your marketing videos will play a central role in portraying a positive image, which is why it’s essential to make sure it looks and sounds great. As well as this, the story has to be compelling, the actors/actresses relatable, and the overall tone in line with the brand.

If you fall into amateur production habits like failing to use a crop video tool to take out messy scene transitions and other defects, your audience will start to believe your products and services are of a poor standard.

Audience Interactivity

When we watch videos, our minds shift into a passive state where not much thought or action is needed. Therefore, if you want to engage your audience and see a positive result, you have to put interactive elements into your video. For example, you can use a video editor to make sure your social media and web page links can be followed. To make sure your video is working, you should also track views and interactions.

Even though interactive elements help a video succeed, you can put in too much interaction that it becomes distracting. Therefore, before you put interactions into your video, always ask yourself if it will help achieve your overall goals.

Wide Distribution

An effective digital video needs to reach as much of your audience as possible, which is why you should post it wider than just your website. For example, you can upload the video to a business YouTube Channel, which will let you tap into the large majority of consumers that prefer to search YouTube for videos. However, you shouldn’t stop there, so make sure it’s posted on all relevant social media sites and RSS feeds.


High-quality videos will automatically be shared to the right people, so don’t get bogged down by the number of views and shares a video has. Instead, you should focus on lead generation and conversion counts, which will tell you if the video served its purpose or not. After all, a viral video doesn’t always indicate a quality video.

Video is the most-watched type of content, but they need to be held to a high standard. Outside of shooting on a decent camera lens, an effective digital video will have the traits outlined above.


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